Sunday 22 April 2012

Birthday dresses and Cat ladies.

Thursday I went to the Oona PR Pressdays. I was again so much absorbed by the view and by all those nice people talking to me, that there was no time left for pictures - OMG OMG PARENTAL WARNING. AMATEUR BLOGGER.-
Lacquer. Loafers. Frillies - Frillies is Ibe's word for the tassel thingy on tassel shoes. And a green plant. Need I say more?! Brand: Essentiel.
Blouse. Cats. Balls of wools. Granny. CRAZY CAT LADY. I  tried to stay away from the Caps key but "no can do". And it reminds me of this (below) . And that is meant as a compliment. Brand: River Island.

Rocks. Triangels. Brand: WOLF By Sofie Claes.
Yesterday it was - no, not Record store day.- my birthday. FINALLY TURNED THIRTEEN. PARTY TIMEZZZ. And here are also some details of my Birthday outfit.
Wedding dress from (I think?) the early fifties that I -All right my granny- shortened. Glitter heart sticker. Plastic bracelet from when I was a little girl. The plastic bracelet is thrifted and the doll heart necklace was handmade by yours sincerely.




  1. nice gedaan girl! fijn dat je er items hebt uitgepikt en er je eigen ding hebt mee gedaan. Ik zag je na de rondleiding buiten staan en dacht, let's talk to that girl! maar bon, het is er dus niet van gekomen en nadien was je jammer genoeg weg. enfin, op het volgende event dan maar.
    en happy b-day girl

  2. Prachtig mooi geschreven, leuke jurk, mooi geschreven. And "have a happy vintage one".
