Wednesday 4 July 2012


Actually I am really carefull with posts about events and PR stuff. I think a blog is a blog and not a marketing device. I am anxious about the independence to write, do or say what I want. Because that is one of the reasons why I started this blog. That is why I am very picky about invitations for events or accepting free clothes or other things. But for The Big You 2 I really don't mind the conventional exception. The Big You is a bloggers event in Antwerp hosted by Unlimited PR. So many great people work there . Nice people like Elisabeth from a polaroid story.
The brands, the food and the people. LUF LUF LUF -to much summer heat isn't good for people's mentality-. So I went with Myrte (you also saw her here. AH THE GOOD OLD DAYS!) and we had a wonderfull day.

Swarovski. Honestly, I do not like Swarovski. I am just not that kind of girl that could spend money on stones (Ok. Glitter stones). I wear plastic vintage junk jewellery. But I think this collection absolutely has potential. EVERYBODY LIKES OLD HOLLYWOOD GLAMOUR! All the pictures  by me except the polaroids. Polaroid of Myrte and I wearing Swarovski jewels taken by the PR lady (LOOK HOW COOL WE ARE ON THE PICTURE. WITH GUNS AND STUFF.)

Camper had vintage travel decoration. And they held a contest wich I totally endorsed (you can win a night at the Camper casa in Berlin or Barcelona. BERLIN I WANT TO MEET YOU!). On a big European map you had to pin a polaroid of you and your favorite shoes on your favorite place. And that's London of course. Maybe it is cliché but I have such good memories of London (Sentimental.). My first Fashion Week was the one in London (read Veerle Windels and mine report for 'De Standaard' here -in Dutch-). IT WAS GREAT. It is really hard to explain how it feels to be a part of fashion week for the first time. Everthing is dazzling, it is just like in the movies. So for LFW I was three days in London. And you know London  alwayshas good vibes. It is weird but for me it feels like home. I bet I'll end up studying there and I am already saving the money for it too. I'd love to call it home. (LOOK ME BEING COOL ON THE PICTURE. WINKING AND STUFF.)

Then we went to the Veritas spot. Where we learned to crochet again. CROCHET FOR LIFEZZZ.
On the first picture you can see Myrte crocheting in her awesome pink 'FAR OUT' 80's top. At the Veritas stand we also got a white tote bag with the request to 'PIMP THEM UP!' I used fabric marker and made this self portrait. Every time I go out with this bag people give me the looks, especially when they see the sentence. OMYGOD I LOVE THAT!
This is what I wore. But with shoes of course. My white shortened wedding dress and girl scout patches from troopmoore on eBay.



  1. wel ik hou eigenlijk wel van swarovski omdat het net zo pompeus en kitsch kan overkomen! je moet er wel de juiste stukken uitkiezen ;)! heb je die nieuwe collectie sneakers van camper gezien? ik ben er echt echt echt compleet wild van en ik zou echt niet mee kunnen doen met die reis wedstrijd, mijn favoriete plaats ligt buiten europa ;)

  2. Leuk artikel en leuke gepimpte tas! X

  3. Ik vind dit nou echt zo'n gekunstelde pr-post, en zeker niet op waarheid gebaseerd. Zo van "Oh ik ben zo onafhankelijk en ik heb geen behoefte aan commerciële bloggersmeetings", maar dan tegelijkertijd wel overal "Oh I love this." Ja hoor, heel zelfstandig en kritisch Ibe.

  4. jeez, how pretentious are you really?

  5. this post and all the photos!! i am here via your instagram which i love just as much as your blog:)
    i am now following xox
