Monday 2 July 2012

The only thing I want to do is to walk the goats.

It is over. School is over. The past days I spent swimming in the pool of a friend (I've got cool friendz, with cool stuff. Duh), dancing on tacky 90's music (Backstreet boys. Anyone?) and drinking soy milk -I guess there must be a food porn reference in every single post. IT IS MY TRADEMARK. I am a pro at personal branding! (My god  how I hate the term 'personal branding')-. In below, behold the outfit that I wear when I walk my friend's Silke's goats (Friends with cool stuff. I already said it).
Transparant flower hair clip and bracelets from when I was little. Topshop blouse. Vintage plastic fake watch necklace. Thrifted shoes and skirt. This skirt gives me so much 70's summer pyschedelic vibes.

PS: Coming up soon:  a big post  on The Big You.


  1. Wat een geweldige outfit! En omg backstreet boys daar heb ik volgensmij een cd van ;D


  2. please do society a favour, grow up and get over yourself.
