Sunday 25 March 2012

Dum dum ditty.

Today I listened to this, this and  the Grease soundtrack. I danced in the garden. And I had apple juice. Which  reminds me of that little classmate from kindergarten.  Every day we had to sit in a circle and share a short story with the group. Every day this little boy that I knew said the same thing: 'This morning I had a cheese sandwich' and one day the toddler Ibe got so fed up -I was already very critical.- that she interrupted him and said: 'OH WAIT I KNOW YOU HAD A CHEESE SANDWICH ! GOD! RIGHT?!' And he said: 'No I didn't I had one with chocolate' and he smiled selfpleased. We never got along after that. So today I had apple juice.  And I wore this:
I really wanted to dress like Sandy from Grease, meets the Pink Ladies  meets Courtney Love. Bad printscreen, je sais, je sais. That's my impressive Français that I am trying on you. Well, I need to bring my French lessons in practise .  Note the grey shiny tie I snatched way from my father's cupboard. Black cat eye sunglasses. Courtney & Kurt shirt from Heartschallenger. Old pink pleated granny skirt. The pearl bracelet was a gift. Black platform lace up boots. And mind this: I'VE GOT A NEW CAMERA. A Nikon D3100. Neatness.
From left to right: Pascal Ogier in Les Nuits De La Pleine Lune. Matilda Wormwood. Alice In Wonderland. Dorothy Gale.
My inpiration for my weird tie wrap hair thing. OMGZZZ ARTSY! Erm.
Bisou Ibe


  1. Ik heb hetzelfde fototoestel maar dan alleen een versie ouder ( D3000 ). En ik ben er nog steeds heel tevreden over. + Die rok is echt super mooi.


  2. oow Ibeke toch, wat ben je toch opgegroeid tot een mooie dame! Ook al was ik héél lang boos op je, ik ben echt blij om je nu zo volwassen en mooi te zien! ^^

  3. Een erg mooie outfit! Ik lief jouw rok, echt waar.
